Products or services for adults and used underwear

It is not allowed to list and/or request in any category of the website:

  • Pornographic content in any of its formats, whether in photos, videos, magazines or hentai.
  • Content* related to prostitution, or sexual content prohibited by law such as pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia, or real incest.
  • Material of any kind that contains child pornography, or that, at the discretion of Mercado Libre, promotes pedophilia or contains images of naked minors.
  • Listings with sexual connotation outside the adult category.
  • Sexual services, including sexual services through webcam streaming.
  • Used underwear such as panties, underpants.
  • Advertisements outside the Adult category, links to eShops or products listed in this category.
  • Home pornographic photographs and videos not authorized by their actors and/or participants.

What is allowed to list?

The products mentioned herein are only examples.

  • Erotic, sexy or sensual costumes that leave intimate parts of the body visible.
  • Underwear that leaves intimate parts of the body visible, and which can be worn for sexual purposes or that contain words or phrases related to sexual intercourse.
  • Magazines or books with pornographic content or containing naked people.
  • Videos, films and games with pornographic or sexual content.
  • Aphrodisiac products or those containing pheromone.
  • Figures or toys that show naked people or people in sexual positions.
  • Any product with sexual connotation.



Please remember that all your listings, whether product in the “Adults” category or any other category in the website, must comply with our Infringements in photos policy, and should avoid including images with sexually explicit content or nudity.

*Includes any content through which you offer products or services in different sections of the platform, using listings, clips, ads, account details, messaging channels, questions/answers, opinions, among others. 


Content that does not respect our Prohibited products policy or any current legislation will be cancelled. This could lead your partial, temporary or permanent suspension to sell on the website.

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