My listing was reported

If any of your listings was reported by a member of our Brand Protection Program (BPP), you’ll need to send a counter-notice to prove the listing is not infringing their rights.

Keep in mind that, in order to enroll in the Program and report listings, intellectual property rights owners send us legal documentation that abides by our Terms & Conditions.


How do I submit a counter-notice?

If your listing was reported, you’ll have 4 days to submit your documentation and/or information that proves your listing or product does not infringe on their Intellectual Property rights.

Remember you’ll need to submit your reply from the button on the email we sent you or from your listing’s page. Contacting the member by any other means to submit your counter-notice will not be valid. We’ll hide your listing from the website while the process is being resolved.

Before submitting your counter-notice, please note:

  • This will be your only chance to reply to the member. If you wish to attach multiple files, please create a ZIP file with all of them.

  • If you received reports for multiple listings, you’ll need to submit your counter-notice for each of them.


What will happen with my listing?

Once you submit your counter-notice, the rights owner will have 3 days to review your documentation and decide whether to reject or accept it. While the member reviews your answer, your listing will remain hidden.


In which cases will my listing be reactivated?

  • If the member accepts your counter-notice and asks us to reactivate your listing.

  • If the member does not reply within 3 days.

In which cases will my listing be excluded?

  • If the member rejects your counter-notice and ratifies their report.

  • If you don’t submit your counter-notice within 4 days.

If you don’t agree with the exclusion, at the end of the process you can contact the complainant directly to ask them to reconsider their report. Keep in mind that we can only reactivate listings if the IPPP members requests so.

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