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Cd The Strokes The New Abnormal 2020 Importado Rca Lacrado

em 12x

  • Álbum 'New Abnormal' de The Strokes, lançado em 2020 pela RCA, contém 9 faixas de rock puro.


UPC: 194397058826
RELEASE DATE: 4/10/2020

1 The Adults Are Talking
2 Selfless
3 Brooklyn Bridge to Chorus
4 Bad Decisions
5 Eternal Summer
6 At the Door
7 Why Are Sunday's So Depressing
8 Not the Same Anymore
9 Ode to the Mets


2020 release. The New Abnormal is the sixth studio album by The Strokes. Produced by Rick Rubin, it is their first album in seven years, following Comedown Machine (2013), and their first release since the Future Present Past EP (2016). The album artwork features the 1981 painting Bird on Money by American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. The New Abnormal is packed full of the razor-sharp hooks, vintage vibes and NYC cool that made the Strokes an early-2000s phenomenon.

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