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Super tips on speaking well in talks and presentations, de Polito, Reinaldo. Editora Saraiva Educação S. A., capa mole em português, 2008

  • Ano de publicação: 2008
  • Capa do livro: Mole
  • Gênero: Acadêmico.
  • Subgênero: Línguas.
  • Número de páginas: 136.
  • Dimensões: 100 mm largura x 150 mm altura.
  • Peso: 98 g.
  • ISBN: 9788502068858.


These super tips on speaking well will help you become a more successful communicator. Each page provides important guidelines on how to converse, relate to people, and make presentations. You will learn how to behave in business meetings, at social events, and in the classroom. You will receive expert advice on improvisation, reading in public, putting forward convincing arguments, using humor, telling stories, and being friendly, communicative, and engaging.

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